Listing Builder
The first step in listing solutions for local businesses.
Establish accurate business listings and appear in more places across the web. Packed with tools that will help you grow your online presence, Listing Builder is the starting point for a business’s comprehensive listing solution
Listing Builder empowers your agency to start the conversation about digital solutions with local businesses. For no additional cost, you can introduce hundreds of business owners to online presence management and your digital marketing platform. And once your clients are ready to buy, Listing Sync Pro and Listing Distribution are natural upsells that maximize revenue.
With Product-Led Growth Program, the product drives the customers' experience. You can now offer your clients an intro to Listings Management through Listing Builder with a clear upgrade path to Listing Distribution and Listing Sync Pro.
Why do you need accurate listings?
Consumers depend on accurate listings when searching for local businesses online. Incorrect business listings lead to lost sales opportunities, frustrated consumers, and lower search rankings.
73% of consumers lose trust in a brand
when an online listing shows incorrect
Therefore, accurate listings are considered to be an essential component of your marketing efforts.
4/5 consumers use search engines to find local information
like, business address, hours, directions and more.
The Importance of Local Listing and How customer find you online.
The customer journey begins with a Google search, usually on mobile.
of consumers who do a local search visit or call the business within a day.
of all searches are for local information.
Of Google searches are done on a mobile device
Shoppers who visited a stores used online search before going in.
If they can’t find you, they can’t choose you.
Google Insights

Understand how your business is performing on Google My Business. Google Insights provides a valuable glimpse into your customers’ activities.
Listing Sync

Accurate business listings help search engines and consumers find local businesses online. Listing Sync gives you one place to create and sustain accurate business listings.
My Listing

Easily create a mobile responsive
business listing that is optimized for local search. This listing drives traffic to your website and displays your store hours and contact info.
Listings Management Tool

Push listing data to aggregators and straight to directories
Ensure listings are accurate and found across the web, mobile devices, and voice search
Make updates in real-time
View Google insights
Show proof-of-performance
Listing Management Dashboard at a Glance

% of Business Profile complete
New Listing Visits
Syncing Data Providers
Sites Syncing
Google My Business Insights

How and where customers search for and view your business
Common actions your customers are taking on your listing
Direction request
Phone calls
Photo insights
Create and Update Listing Information

Create, manage, and update a landing page for your customers to visit
Customers can leave feedback on your business
Track visitors and view analytics
Add themes, branding, domains, and more
Monitor Listings Across Data Aggregators

Submits your business information to three main data aggregators:
Data Axle
Neustar / Localeze
Allows you to monitor how your listing appears on data providers and view citation statistics
Check Up On Your Listing Health

A place to create, update, and check on business listings and to show proof-of-performance​
Create and edit listings, such as adding business hours or photos
Updates will be distributed across synced sources
Check on any submission inconsistencies